If the folks there would just respond to my emails the feature could be released very quickly. I'd love to get the Concept2 support wrapped up. (If you have a PM2, PM3 or PM4, there still are a few options to consider which may require.

In addition to our free app, ErgData, there are a number of apps that connect with the Performance Monitor 5 (PM5) via Bluetooth and ANT+. Is it shown as a water workout? Do you see detailed info for each interval? There are many ways that technology can add variety to your workout routine. When you upload to Concept2 from BoatCoach, what does that look like? I'm wondering if they ran into the same problems that I did. I don't know if they view this as a problem or not - they haven't been responsive at all recently. You can keep track of your total meters, analyze your progress, take part in challenges, and compare your results against others worldwide. I'm currently giving Concept2 all of the detailed information that I have for each interval, but because this is marked as a "water" workout, they're ignoring all of that detail and only logging the overall totals. The Concept2 Online Logbook is a free training tool that allows you to record your workouts on the Concept2 RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg.

(I've been testing it on their "development" servers so far.) Access the LogBook screen (the third ErgData screen). Once youve successfully connected, tap Preferences and Back to return to the main ErgData screens. If unsuccessful, tap OK and re-enter your credentials. I'm currently waiting for the folks at Concept2 to address a couple of issues on their end, and to enable my app on their public-facing server. ErgData will alert you as to whether or not it was able to connect to your online logbook.

#Send concept2 logbook to app code#
I've actually been working on supporting the Concept2 Logbook, and the code is essentially done.